Gustav Mahler
Symphony No. 5
Cambrian Symphony
Scott Krijnen, conductor and artistic director
Lolly Lewis, recording producer and editor
Dann Thompson, recording engineer
Recorded June 23, 2023, at Skywalker Studios in Marin County, California
On Saturday, June 23, 2023, Cambrian Symphony spent the day at Skywalker Sound recording Mahler’s Fifth Symphony. The day was four years in the making, and a testimony to the dedication and tenacity of the musicians and supporters.
“…the symphony must be like the world. It must be all-embracing.”
Mahler truly captures a tremendous range in his Fifth Symphony. This work is vast in its emotional range as well as its performing forces – encompassing joy, triumph, tragedy, despair, humor, and everything in between.
This entire project, indeed, every performance of the Cambrian Symphony, would not be possible without the generous contributions of our supporters. Thank you to everyone who has donated their time, treasure, and talent to the Cambrian Symphony. We hope you will continue to do so, ensuring great music for our community. We are proud of the recording we’ve made, grateful to the incredible community that surrounds and comprises the orchestra, and joyful always in making music together.
“…the symphony must be like the world. It must be all-embracing.”
Mahler truly captures a tremendous range in his Fifth Symphony. This work is vast in its emotional range as well as its performing forces – encompassing joy, triumph, tragedy, despair, humor, and everything in between.
This entire project, indeed, every performance of the Cambrian Symphony, would not be possible without the generous contributions of our supporters. Thank you to everyone who has donated their time, treasure, and talent to the Cambrian Symphony. We hope you will continue to do so, ensuring great music for our community. We are proud of the recording we’ve made, grateful to the incredible community that surrounds and comprises the orchestra, and joyful always in making music together.